
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Liebster Award

So this is all very new to me even though I've been on the scene for awhile Ive always just stayed in the background cause I wasnt sure how to do this blog thing or now it was such a big world that they have conventions just for blogging (i.e. Blissdom). I'm just over here trying to not be tempted to eat another cookie or piece of cheesecake and keep my self accountable to someone. Even if it isn't anyone I know personally. Well I wanted to say thanks Shana for the nomination... Here it goes

Random Facts:

I love
entertaining others
family events
pink, black ,white

Shana's Questions:

How long have you been blogging? I've been behind the scenes over here for about two years around the time my lil ole family got stationed in Germany.

What's your advice to someone who wants to build their readers and commenters in blog? I have no idea. I'm still learning and exploring trying to make my lil blog and actual blog and remember to post more often.

Have you ever met any of your bloggers? I have a couple friends that use to blog but noone famous.
What's your favorite season and why? Fall and Spring. Fall because its not to cold and Spring cause its not to hot.

Do you believe in God and what kind of relationship do you have with him? Yes yes I do. I may not always be doing the right thing but I try to stay connected and keep up our relationship.

Do you have kids if so how many and ages and names? Just one for now. Christian and he is 2.

Have you read any good books if so what do you recommend to a book lover? Yes, I just finished "Have a little faith" by Mitch Albom... Highly recommend very good book.

What's one movie you can watch a hundred times and it never gets old? Too many to name... Grease, Dirty Dancing, Ever after and the list goes on...

If you could change 3 things about your physical appearance what would it be? Skinnier with a bigger butt and more confidence in myself.

What is your fave snack? sweets almost anything vanilla or funfetti

What all websites do you visit when you're online? Blogger and Facebook.

Thanks Shana again for the nomination... 


  1. Oh.My.Gosh! Love this!
    Great blog here so excited to follow along!
    Your newest fan,
