
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Liebster Award

So this is all very new to me even though I've been on the scene for awhile Ive always just stayed in the background cause I wasnt sure how to do this blog thing or now it was such a big world that they have conventions just for blogging (i.e. Blissdom). I'm just over here trying to not be tempted to eat another cookie or piece of cheesecake and keep my self accountable to someone. Even if it isn't anyone I know personally. Well I wanted to say thanks Shana for the nomination... Here it goes

Random Facts:

I love
entertaining others
family events
pink, black ,white

Shana's Questions:

How long have you been blogging? I've been behind the scenes over here for about two years around the time my lil ole family got stationed in Germany.

What's your advice to someone who wants to build their readers and commenters in blog? I have no idea. I'm still learning and exploring trying to make my lil blog and actual blog and remember to post more often.

Have you ever met any of your bloggers? I have a couple friends that use to blog but noone famous.
What's your favorite season and why? Fall and Spring. Fall because its not to cold and Spring cause its not to hot.

Do you believe in God and what kind of relationship do you have with him? Yes yes I do. I may not always be doing the right thing but I try to stay connected and keep up our relationship.

Do you have kids if so how many and ages and names? Just one for now. Christian and he is 2.

Have you read any good books if so what do you recommend to a book lover? Yes, I just finished "Have a little faith" by Mitch Albom... Highly recommend very good book.

What's one movie you can watch a hundred times and it never gets old? Too many to name... Grease, Dirty Dancing, Ever after and the list goes on...

If you could change 3 things about your physical appearance what would it be? Skinnier with a bigger butt and more confidence in myself.

What is your fave snack? sweets almost anything vanilla or funfetti

What all websites do you visit when you're online? Blogger and Facebook.

Thanks Shana again for the nomination... 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What up ya'll

Its been a few days since I have blogged. I just got so busy with my life. Just started my new class and new degree since I changed it from Women studies to Business.
 I have decided to follow my dreams and plan on going to culinary school to get this bakery on a roll. roll get it bahaha... I crack myself up. Anywho yesterday was absolutely not a good day.
I woke up at 4 am and landed myself on the damn toilet... So basically I got that wonderful stomach flu/bug whatever the fuck ya wanna call it (death).. Last time I got it I lost five pounds this time not a budge on the scale I try to look for the positive in a bad situation. Lets just say there wasn't one meh!!!

But I did go get my haircut and its faaaaaaabuuulous!!!
 Sad thing about it is my hairstylist is pcsing(military lingo) for leaving to the next base. It's always so bitter sweet when someone leaves. Speaking of military I was up at the gym working on my fitness and talk about gym intimidation going on in the weight room. We walked in and we walked ourselves right back out. Not only did it smell like ass all the guys just stared at us. I so miss having a gym with only women. But thats the military for ya. You go where they tell your husband to go. I follow cause I love my Airmen. Well gotta go do some homework.  Toodles

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Well hello cooter bones


I've been reading all these fitness post on spinning and how great it is so I decided to step out of my comfort zone and bring a couple friends along that didnt know either what we were getting ourselves into. Well let me tell ya we showed up a few seconds late and the only spots available were smack in the middle of the class. I have never done a stationary bike before so I had no idea how the thing worked, but I quickly found out after almost taking my skin off my right calf. Yea there's a stop button and its not your body parts. FML I have also found new things to hurt . My cooter bones feel like I've had had rough sex for days and trust me that ain't something I planned on.the instructor than informs us that we will be doing jumps and I'm like are we gonna be jumping on and off this thing. Oh sweet baby Jesus. It wasn't that bad but the jumps were intense. But all in all it was pretty fun especially to see my friends and me have in a new environment. And I will be going back cus it hurts so good... Kinda lmao...


Monday, March 18, 2013

My comeback

Well hello there world...

I've been away for awhile. Not doing any post just keeping a close eye on the many old and new blogs I have came across. Yes, I am still on my weight loss journey it is a continuous uphill battle that I fucking refuse to lose at... It's all this damn baking and pretty pictures on Pinterest. I don't know wether to lose weight or gain weight on that damn thing lol... I've come back to the blogger world because I am in need of a outlet to my world overseas. The military tells you that when you go overseas everyone is closer and like family well this is a pretty dysfunctional family and I know dysfunctional. I have lost myself and now I must find myself again. It's so not cool when you feel that you don't know who you are anymore when you've always been the social butterfly and avoided drama at all cost. Well it's time to take my life back and be who I know I am.
I am a mother, a lover , a wife , a baker, a sister, a daughter and most importantly I am me. God put me here for a reason and now my goal is to find it and not let go of it. I have had some dark days and Germany doesn't help with its doom and gloom. I'm looking forward to being a healthy better me and I'm not going back people. Love me or hate me I really don't get a flying fuck.


On another note I have returned to my first love baking...
Today I made a funfetti cake from scratch with my new favorite icing Marshmallow buttercream. That shit is amazing and is a sweet explosion in your mouth. As for the funfetti cake recipe I followed I can't say it was the one for me. I'm more a vanilla girl... Hehe than a lemon girl so I could have totally did with out the lemon zest... Don't mind my crappy photog skills bahaha
Well as they say in Germany